غالواي, أيرلندا

Hotel and Catering

الدرجة الأولى - بكالوريوس
لغة المحاضرات: الإنجليزيةلغة المحاضرات الإنجليزية
مجموعة المواضيع: رياضية وسياحية
This programme is open to all graduates who have achieved a level 7 award in hospitality and tourism and now wish to progress to a level 8 honours degree. Applicants will study on a part-time basis and lectures are organised over a two year period, or full-time basis over one year. This programme would also suit candidates who have taken an ordinary degree (or equivalent) in hotel management in previous years and would like to return to college to progress their award to the next level.This programme is open to all graduates who have achieved a level 7 award in hospitality and tourism and now wish to progress to a level 8 honours degree. Applicants will study on a part-time basis and lectures are organised over a two day period, or full time basis over one year.
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